¿Me acompañas?

Lluc Oliveras
Lluc Oliveras
Roberta Pasquinucci (character of Alma) and Biel Querol
Bruno is a prisoner who has never seen his son and gets permission to leave the prison and see him, with the desire to remedy his mistakes. Alma is a young Italian woman abandoned as a child, who has to satisfy her mother's last wish, met again only in the last days of her life. Two young people who have lost confidence in life and, after a casual encounter, decide to embark on a journey that will change their existence. A film about the simplicity of things
Other Performances
Roberta Pasquinuccio actuación en Mantequilla
Roberta Pasquinuccio actuación en Cistitis
Roberta Pasquinuccio actuación en Las manos
Roberta Pasquinuccio actuación en El cíclope y otras rarezas de amor